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tv   Weekend News  ALJAZAM  October 18, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, this is the newshour live from lion. -- london. coming up, two killed in an attack at a bus station iran's nuclear deal coming in effect. the west lifts sanctions. we look at the challenge ahead. germany's office fast tracks e.u. membership if it helps with the refugee crisis.
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>> home grown challenge - how local smartphones are giving apple and smart sung a run for their money in the chinese market. >> in sport, it's a southern hemisphere sweep in the quarterfinals of the rugby world cup. scotland losing by a single point against australia, ireland beaten by argentina two people are dead and several others injured after one of the boldest attacks in the violence gripping israel and the occupied territories. a gunman, who was also armed with a knife, opened fire at a bus station in beersheba, he was killed, as was an israeli soldier. let's get the latest from andrew
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simmonds, who is there. what do we know about what took place, and the area itself? >> well, what's was this, the police say, and said there were two attackers. they have changed that story to one attacker, one went into the bus station, and immediately attacked a soldiers. the soldiers has since died. there were a number of other people also attacked, a total of four police officers and a number of civilians, all taken to hospital, but none, apparently, with life-threatening injuries. now, the next stage of what happened has been subject to conflicting reports. we are told by the police that definitely they opened fire at two people. one was the alleged attacker, who is arab, thought to be palestinian, the other was of eritrean nationality, there is an admission now that that man
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was shot by mistaken identity. and he is critically ill in hospital. the palestinian has died. now, we have a total of two dead, and a number injured and complete panic in the ear, and questions in beersheba about why this man was able to get into a very busy public transport location, when very stringent security regulations have been passed a number of days ago by the israeli prime minister insisting that army, the soldiers should support security in all public places involving public transport, riding on trains and buses and trams, so this situation is brisbanen and
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sending a shutter through the palestinians and people alike. despite calls for calm. the incident shows no signs of abating. any hope for international involved, a resolution to bring the two parties together. >> well, people can hope. there's no solid information stacked on the stable to suggest there could be a breakthrough. the major issue is the al-aqsa compound, known as temple mount. binyamin netanyahu made it clear before his cabinet meeting on sunday that he was not prepared to negotiate with a palestinian, was not prepared to listen to calls from france to use international observers to see there was no change by the way
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things have been at al-aqsa compound. and this is an area in the heart of things. we are seeing the u.s. secretary of state move towards talks of binyamin netanyahu in germany, which is likely to be wednesday or thursday. he confirmed in paris that he would be having that meeting and he would meet mahmoud abbas, and king abdullah of jordan, somewhere in the middle east, but would not confirm where, there has been a lot of suggestions from several quarters and sources telling al jazeera, that there should be a meeting attempts to get a meeting at some stage recollects but there's no confirmation of this, there's no solid suggestion that that will take
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place at that location. certainly that was said by the u.s. secretary of state. they'll be bilateral, it's thau. there's not any sum. >> it will be too far-fetched to think there would be any prerequisite. the issue is the temple mount and al-aqsa mosque compound. that seems to be a key area were there could be an easing of tensions in israel. it is a long shot. it's a long shot to expect there'll be progress. john kerry indicated on a number of occasions that he is not that optimistic. >> thank you. andrew simmonds live in of the west jerusalem. >> the latest attack happened as israel's cabinet improved security measures.
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it's expanding the stop and frisk powers, and banning labour from schools in four cities. as andrew simmonds mentioned there, u.s. secretary of state john kerry is due to meet the israeli prime minister in germany. kerry is planning to sit with mahmoud abbas, likely to take place in jordan, and he'll talk to both about ending the violence, which continues, despite israel deploying extra police and soldiers, mike hanna reports from west jerusalem. >> reporter: a regular meeting of the israeli cabinet amidst extraordinary crisis much the prime minister denying accusations that his country is attempting to change arrangements regarding access to temple mount, the al-aqsa come pound. all of israel is alone, the
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reason the status quo has been violated. we didn't change anything. the orders of prayer the visiting rights have not changed. >> palestinians are adamant israeli attempts is the route cause of the conflict. >> translation: we will not lose control of al-aqsa, and destroying it while the nation is sleeping. >> reporter: amidst the extreme tension a military ceremony in tela veef. the guest of honour, the joint chiefs of staff. the general here to discuss resumptions of talks about defense aid which israel suspended against the iran nuclear deal, signalling a fractious relationship. and is evidence that the u.s.
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will conduct business as usual with the right wing of israeli governments. here in israel's biggest mass circumstance u sayings newspaper, the headline ready -- circulation, the headline ready to draw. this is a prime minister that took his gun out of the safe and is burying it all the time. the settler movement dominates the government. along with hardline religious nationalists. this is not a body likely to deviate from extreme response to mounting protests. there's been clashes across the west bank. we have been following from ramallah. >> the situation across the occupied west bank is tense. sunday we saw clashes break out in some cities. in hebron, the flashpoint
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location on a normal day when there is no unrest, it's sensitive and tense because of the close proximity with which israeli settlers live within the city. now, palestinians have been saying that they are worried over the past two days with news of the alleged knife attacks that happened in the cities in the occupied west bank. because of the attacks they are afraid israel may pose a restriction on cities in the west bank. all the clashes and tension erupted when palestinians say israel provoked the situation at the al-aqsa mosque compound. the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu maintained that the status quo at the compound is not going to change. palestinians do not believe that. when it comes to the palestinian government, the stance is that palestinians have a right to be angry and protest so long as it is done peacefully.
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>> more on the attack at the bus station in beersheba, witnesses describe their fear following this incident and others. >> translation: do i need to live in a world where i'm afraid to leave home to go to college studies or shopping, everything is frightening, i want the police to take more action. >> joining me from skype via oxford is an analyst at online news site middle east eye. thank you for speaking to us. if i can start by asking about the implications of the latest attack in beersheba, taking place at a bus station in the center of town, despite a widespread military and police presence, areas that have been courtoned off. can you start by giving your assessment of what took place and how it was able to happen? >> what has taken place is
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surprising, not just in the nature of the violence that has taken police, but in the context of wider security issues going back over a decade. you and your viewers may remember the issues that were dominant 10 years during the second intifada when there were suicide bombings in israel. the israeli beefed up security, foremost by building a wall separating israel from west bank proper, and that stopped a deal of attacks. we haven't witnessed a serious number of incidents, what occurred tonight is interesting, and clearly is a breach of israeli security, and, of course, it begs the question as to whether this was a lone wolf attack in occupied east jerusalem and the occupied west bank or whether it was organized by militant organizations.
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>> how difficult is it going to be to prevent attacks staged by individuals as we have seen so far, who don't necessarily have the operational support of one group or organization? >> well clearly in areas where there's oo critical mass of news, in the occupied west bank that will be difficult. in areas of israel proper, in beersheba today, it's not too hard. israeli security is formidable and is difficult for palestinians acting in a lone capacity to stage attacks. if this was a lone wolf attack it would be interesting, and i suspect worrying for israeli security. it's not entirely unprecedented. there were a couple of incidents north of tel aviv a few days ago when a couple of israelis were
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likely wounded. in any case, it's a worrying development for israeli security agencies. >> so, mike, they change the way in which they responded so far in the aftermath of the attack in beersheba. >> they can only beef up security starting from a high point. of course, there is ramping up - it has the consequence of increasing frustration. israel has a draconian security measure with the checkpoint and tightly controlled access. it has the consequence of ramping up frustration alienation, which is at the heart of the latest bout you have violence thank you very much. good to get your thoughts on
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this story. an analyst in security and terrorism. we have more to come for you on the al jazeera newshour from london. we'll bring you a special report on african refugees falling victim to people smugglers in mozambique. changing time in canada as the indigenous population is told to embrace a national election. and in sport, who is playing who - teams getting a final chance to qualify for europe's football championships. now, the nuclear agreement between iran and world powers is coming in effect. tehran begins the biggest nuclear dismantlement history. as andy gallagher reports there are significant challenges ahead. >> reporter: it took years of complex and fiddle
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negotiation -- fitful negotiations between iran and a world power known as p5+1 to put forward a deal based on verification, not trust. the landmark nuclear agreement means iran has to sharply curtail its nuclear programme, a move that will reduce capability of developing nuclear weapons. in july, when the agreement was reached, u.s. secretary of state john kerry says it was a deal worth fighting for. >> it is a step away from conflict and towards the possibility of peace. >> in iran, engineers must begin the biggest nuclear dismantlement history, involving the moth balling and shipping of fuel out of the country. all of which authorities say will be done by the end of november. iran is key that sanctions are eased, but the deal has plenty of vocal critics. >> the deal doesn't make peace more likely, fuelling iran's
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aggression with billions in sanctions relief, it makes war more likely. >> the next few weeks iran implements an unpopular agreement. it may be difficult. intrusive inspections will be key. critics warn of a potential for cheating and disagreements. >> it does not fully resolve the wide range of the issues. we'll have to continue to put pressure on them through the international community. >> reporter: recent footage appears to show underground tunnels packed with missiles and launches have not helped to ease concerns. they were released day after a long-range missile was breached. >> for the powers involvement in the disagreement, there's a great deal at stake. that is true for president obama, his administration
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brokering a deal few thought possible. the next due weeks may shape his policy more than anything else. >> joining me is an iran researcher at the university of london. thank you for coming in. the iran nuclear agreement moved into a new face according to u.s. officials. what does iran need to do now to hold up its side of the bargain. >> both sides are taking measures to implement a team. it will not be implemented until implementation day. what they'll do is disconnect centrifuges, start a decommission, and the core of the reactor, other measures have been great on as part of a joint plan of action, and the europeans have started to take measures. although they are not legally in effect right now, they are taking symbolical measures that
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iran will have made the tech call measures. the sanctions will be lifted. >> we know businesses are businesses, and officials have been making trips to iran to, you know, strengthen that economic relationship in the months to come. how long could this process of dismantling, pulling apart the components of the iran nuclear programme take, could there be unforeseen problems with that. >> the difference of the iran and the u.s. in terms of commitment is iran has physical work to do. it has to go below ground and disconnect the machines, the reactor. depending on estimates. it may take between 60 and 90 days. iranians say they can do it faster. that's been disputed. they'll have to bait and see. all sides have an incidentive to -- incentive to move faster.
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>> iran has an incentive. they'd like to get it done before the end of the year. >> for the irani presidency, it would be important because they have elections to under take. >> there has been oppositions on both sides, republicans, and israelis internationally. some concern and point of contention around the deal. could that slow the process of dismantling the nuclear process down, particularly, maybe concerns around monitoring issues? >> i think there are mechanisms in place to resolve disputes that may arise as part of the agreement. the so-called joint commission which iran is a member. i think that has been thought of before. in terms of domestic opposition to the deal. we have passed that point. the deal has been adapted.
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and that's what it meant, the significance of today. we have the centrifuges in operation. they have not been lifted, they have been abducted. it's the first step of a long journey. >> despite the opt nix around the nuclear deal seen as a landmark deal, the tone of the relationship shifted in recent months as russia has deepened its involved in syria and iran, too, is more explicit about its actions in syria. it's les likely that the iran nuclear deal could be broadened to other parts of policy, if you like. in relation to the united states, there's many sensitivityies within iran. working with the region, while it's done in the past and done with iraq, it's far more different than working with the
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europeans. the prime minister was in tehran the other day to promote the regional engagement. i think europeans have strong incentive to engage with iran on that point. the regional crisis are no longer affecting the region, they are affecting europe. germany is impacting the refugees, it's a strong incentive to engage with iran. now, in erms it of what is happening with the region, in terms of cooperation with united states, it's very much part of the dynamics between them and saudi arabia. the united states has pre-existing commitments inhibiting the interaction many would like to see. >> thank you very much for sharing your analysis with us. >> well, we touched on it. germany offered turkey support to speed up a bid to join the european union, if ankara helps to deal with the crisis on the
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contine continent. german chancellor angela merkel has been holding talks in turkey. >> reporter: germany's chancellor angela merkel is in istanbul looking for help, asking the turkish government to stem the flow of refugees coming to europe. >> we have used the crisis we are experiencing to a disorderly or uncontrolled movement, to great closer cooperation between many units. specifically, the e.u. wants turkey to increase coast guard patrols and give syrians work permits. in return, turkey is offered $3 billion and a revival of e.u. talks. it's hard to fulfil. it is has 2,000 miles of
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coastline along the aegean and strong opposition to allowing syrians to work. there's no commitment from turkey. >> unfortunately, turkey was left by the international community in terms of burden sharing. there's a better approach. the issue of sharing, going forward is important. >> they said that if turks are given visa free access, turkey will take back failed asylum seekers from europe. >> leaders agreed that only a resolution to the conflict in syria would resolve the crisis. turkey wants a safe zone in northern syria, it seems more unlikely with russia's involvement in syria's civil war well, thousands of refugees arriving in slovenia from croatia, many forced to take a new route after hungry closed
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its border on friday. here is emma haywood. >> some said they've been waiting through the night to cross. hundreds of men, women and children stuck on the serbian side of the border with croatia, they were allowed to pass, taking the next step in a journey across controlled borders in europe. . >> what is bad is the situation that is very crowded, and they have been waiting for many hours, they are exhausted. they have not enough water, supply or information. >> reporter: those a few days ahead of them were arriving in slovenia. late at night and monitored closely by the police. slovenia is a country of 2 million people is struggling to cope with the high numbers of refugees arriving. many are taking the route because of hungry's decision to
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seal the borders, claiming the e.u. for failing to manage the refugee crisis, as winter steps in, concerns are mounting at how people with little or nothing at all will cope. >> winter is here, numbers have not gone down. more desperate people on the move. the winter adds to the suffering. what we need is a mechanism that we are able to help them from one border to another. >> one of the founding goals of the e.u. was to build a common future. so far though the idea of a united strategy to deal with the crisis in europe seems a long way off still ahead for you on al jazeera. thousands are displaced as a powerful typhoon sweeps into the philippines. we'll tell you how guatemala's
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voters could affect the upcoming election. and in sport can jo-wilfried tsonga stop novak djokovic in the final of the shanghai masters. >> kidnapping is a very real problem. >> journalists on the front lines. >> sometimes that means risking death. >> getting the story, no matter what it takes. >> that's what the fourth estate is all about. that's why i'm risking my life.
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welcome back, you are watching the al jazeera newshour. let's take you through the top stories, two killed, several wounded during an attack at a bus station in southern israel. it happened in beersheba. the attacker and a soldiers kill. a nuclear agreement is coming into effect. western sanctions are being lifted. the angela merkel is in turkey, offering aid to the country in change for stepping flow to europe. thousands of refugees are crossing into south africa. many falling victim to people smugglers. we have a report from the border
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of mozambique and south africa. >> reporter: he says god has called on him to do the work. he has been doing it for three years and doesn't want to reveal his identity. he says he rescues refugees. >> i help them, i know they are suffering. they are suffering, and cannot stay in moez rsh, because us here in mozambique, we still haven't a job. refugees see eduardo and his job differently. in a safe house in the capital, these three young men are waiting to cross into south africa. they say the network is profiteering from their misery. >> we have been travelling for two months and have taken every
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penally, they overcharge us for everything. for a $5 fair they charge us $20. when we ask for food, they tell us to change our shirts for a cup of tea. they are not good people. there are many foreigners here, waiting to cross illegally, you hardly see them. >> many refugees and migrants avoid the official border crossing for fear of being detained. the last thing they want it to return to countries they came from. they come out of safe houses as the night falls. at night the refugees and migrants gather on a hill that separates the two countries. smugglers are not far behind. border police patrol the hill. the refugees work in silence. the smugglers taking them
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through the boarder fence. police clamped down on undocumented foreigners. >> we had 280 illegal migrants since the start of the month and rebattery oted them -- ri battery oted them. for now, business is brisk. he has smuggled this man from the safe house. as more continue to flee, eduardo says he'll continue to answer god's call. there has been a low turn out on the first day of egypt's long-awaited parliamentary elections. the government says the vote is a step towards democracy. critics say it's a sham. results should be known by november. >> reporter: this is the second time egyptians are voting for a parliament since the 2011
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protests removing mubarak. unlike the first elections, turn out was slow on sunday. >> the last time a parliamentary poll took place, this was the scene. people cueing for hours. that was the first free and fair election in egypt's history. the victims from the freedom and justice party. as a result of the 2013 coup, the brotherhood's leaders were killed, gaoled or exiled. and the movement outlawed. it's not only the brotherhood that is absent. other parties, including the april 6th youth movement and others boycotted the vote in protest of the continued depression under the president sici abdul fatah al-sisi. it's a view echoed by many. >> translation: no, i won't vote. young people were passionate.
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we voted in the parliament and presidential election after mubarak's resignation. the passion died when mohamed mursi was removed. fi young voted in abdul fatah al-sisi's election. they resented doing it. >> reporter: they justify the crackdown saying the country needed to sacrifice freedoms for the sake. economic development and stability. but the economy is in decline. >> we egyptians have not had improvement in people's livelihoods. since 2013 we are faced with economic crisis and have high unemployment. there are numerous candidates vying for a seat in parliament, there's little between them. sunday's ballot didn't include
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anything of abdul fatah al-sisi or leaders. abdul fatah al-sisi hoped it would apiece those that criticize him for a lack of freedom. if the turn out is low. many may question the future parliament's viability a u.k.-based monitoring group says 40 i.s.i.l. fighters have been killed in air strikes in syria on saturday. the syrian observatory for human rights said the attack happened in the western province of hama. it's not known who launched the strikes. syria's army is pushing ahead to recapture parts of aleppo with the help much hezbollah and other fighters. the army made games. the u.k. based syrian observatory for human rights said four civilians were killed by russian pare strikes in homs. russia's prime minister insists the strikes are targetting i.s.i.l. moscow is not directly
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supporting bashar al-assad. >> translation: no, absolutely not true. it's up to the syrian people to decide who will be the head of syria. it combines many nationalities and religions, it is complicated. it's the choice people should make. bashar al-assad is the legitimate president. >> the medical charity doctors without borders says it's waiting for answers after a u.s. air strike hit a hospital in kunduz. 22 patients and staff were killed. jennifer glass reports from kabul. >> reporter: the attack came in the middle of the night on october 3rd, reducing the hospital to ruins, 130 staff and patients were inside the hospital when a u.s. gun ship launched an assault lasting more than an hour. >> the level of destruction is terrible. all the main parts of the hospital have been attacked and
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destroyed. the part that we are in now caught fire. >> some patients burnt to death in their beds. staff and relatives had to hide in the basement in the fight and then work to treat the wounded. the u.s. military issued many statements. it said afghan supporters called for air support. it was admitted that u.s. was responsible and it was a mistake. doctors without borders say it informed all parties of its location several times. >> in the hours before the attack, the hospital was calm. the area was calm. there was no fighting in and around the hospital at that moment when the attack took place, we have no explanation for the terrible breach much humanitarian rules. u.s. president obama
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apologised for the incident saying the u.s. would by compensation and offereded to help rebuild the hospital. the charity does not accept government money. doctors without borders wants an independent swregs and the international fact-finding mission is involved. it needs the consent of afghanistan and the united states. u.s. officials say three investigations by n.a.t.o., the u.s. military and afghan will be sufficient. there's tension over the investigations. the gate of the hospital had to be retired when troops knocked it down on thursday. >> we let them inspect the building to look at the damage they were responsible for. we reject the fact that they didn't inform us in advance and they knocked the gate down and came in. >> n.a.t.o. forces said they were unaware that doctors without borders were present and went to search for ordinances
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and do a structural check of the building. one was intact, but the hospital is closed. there's no plans to rebuild. doctors without borders says it needs to find outside how and why its hospital was attacked and that it won't happen again. former british prime minister cheyse blair is facing questions about how willing he was to join the invasion of iraq. it was suggested that behavior committed to the war a year earlier despite assistance that he didn't rush in. the letter was rein to colin powell in 2002. it states that cheyse blair will be with us on iraq, should military operations be necessary:
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blair's decision is deeply unpopular in britain. blair's officer insists there's nothing new in the memo and is it consistent with what he said publicly at the time inside iraq students return to school from an extended summer break. classrooms were closed for an extra month. stunts collected supplies from teachers, and -- students collected supplies from teachers and are playing in the yard. many are internal lip displaced. >> today is my first day in school. i received stationary and want to study to serve my country. >> typhoon koppu hit the nearby philippines leaving 3,000 dead. army and police have been
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rescuing villages in aurora. we have this update from the nearby philippines. >> government resources are stretched now the the typhoon is affecting many. they are trying to send rescue teams in so many places. we were trying to make an atto bel-air province, and floodwaters started to recede. there are communities that are cut off from the rest of the sworld, 24 hours since it made land fall. the president spoke the other night, warning about damages of this ty phone. it's hardto quantify it. they cannot say how many died
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since sunday. night brings a lot of danger, and we can only find out the aftermath and the damage he were. >> colombian rebels agreed with the government to search for people that have been missing during the civil war. a recovery of remains from unmarked graves is an issue. 52,000 disappeared during the long-running conflict. >> translation: today there was agreements on search, notification and hand over of the people that went missing in the context of the armed context. they'll be implemented immediately canada's indigenous people shunned the elections, recording them as a foreign vote taking place on their territory. daniel lack reports that they
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are urged to vote on monday to make a difference to their own life. >> election signs are not typically found on first nations. the term explains why. indigenous people see themselves as a nation, separate from canada, equal partners, co-existing in north america. in past elections few voted or took part at all. >> i'm not a canadian. and no one proved to me that if you are not a canadian, you can vote. >> if someone comes from the united nations can you vote. >> reporter: first nations are told to vote by their own leaders, because of the feeling that the stephen harper government has done little to address their challenges, unemployment, crime, lack of clean water. >> i decided to vote, i voted in an advance poll thinking that i need to be an example to our people, to let them know that i believe that exercising this
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option to vote is in our best interests at this time two years ago the idle no more movement galvanized groups with nation-wide protests, there was a long strike by the chief in the shadow of the parliament. those protests faded, but the anger behind them fires efforts to get aboriginal people to exercise a democratic right they only got in 1960. a century after voting began in canada. >> 50 years ago they gave us the vote. we viewed that as a tactical error in the war of etrigs. now we use the vote. it's powerful. >> aboriginal voters could swing a close result from conservatives to close opponents. it could trigger a change in opponents. it's far from quarantined.
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>> sensing an opportunity, canada's two main parties say they'll work with aboriginal people on outstanding issues. the promises come late in a campaign largely about other things. >> you can't trust the.. that's what i say. don't accept the politician that comes to your door promising a better relationship. what is that. it has to be live commitments that you can hold them too. whether or not it's in this election, aboriginal people, statistically the youngest, fastest growing segment may have voices heeded after centuries of waiting. >> guatemala's presidential candidates are battling out with a week to go before a run off election. rural areas need more attention. the election will take place on sunday. >> you're with al jazeera, more
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to come. ringing the changes, how home-grown chinese brands are taking on the rights of apple and samsung. >> action and reaction from the quarterfinal next.
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. >> welcome back. china is becoming the new battle ground for tech companies fighting for a slice of the largest smartphone market.
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apple and samsung are facing stiff competition from a booming local industry. >> it's one of the largest electronic shows in the world. 4,000 companies from around 40 companies showcasing innovation. >> we attract a huge number of buyers over the world. over 95,000 fist verse. >> china is a leader in technology consumption not just production. and the popularity of smartphones is creating an industry in app-related products. >> this monitors how much food someone consumes. >> in a market flooded with smartphones, competition has never been intense. once dominated by apple two tech
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countries hold the lead in china, accounting for one-third of all smartphone sales. >> the local guys have a room to innovate. to differentiate themselves. so china is like a totally different world. >> as the world's market. every company has a strategy. given the number of people here and demand for phones, success in the region, they secure you a spot in the top 10. with that in mind they are tailoring phone design to meet with the consumers. >> you can choose. >> china accounts for a third of the worlds 1.3 billion smartphones. the number of mobile phone users has fallen for the first time. that combined with the economy has analysts warning of a
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downward trend. >> in terms of the economy, it the condition in china poses uncertainty. china's tech companies are seeking to expand behind the -- beyond the domestic market. >> there's a lot of growing market in indonesia, india, philippines. we are partnering with them to make sure we can ship more. more intel-based phones. >> despite a softening business in china, an average of 100 million phones sold in every quarter. emerging economies may be offering growth, but the world the most populous nation is the tech company's target market. andy is here now with the sport. >> thank you. scotland suffered rugby world cup heart break, beaten by a point in the quarter point in the final against australia
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35-34 in an enthralling encounter. australia play argentina in the last four after the south americans went through with a win over ireland. we have this report. >> reporter: emotions were running high at london's twickenham stadium, with scotland taking on australia in the last world cup quarterfinal. the scott's were the northern hemisphere last surviving team. the wallabies dominated, a fly from ashley cooper. there was an effort from peter horne, and the scots led by a point at half-time. it was a similar story after the break, but australia was edging ahead. this try putting them eight points clear. with seven minutes to go, an interception try looked to have
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stolen the game for the scots. they were denied the win when australia was awarded a penalty. >> firstly, i'm thrilled that we won the game. given it's an opportunity to play in a semifinal. i thought scotland played well. they really threw everything at us. their attack was good, the carry strong. they have momentum there. it was a tough test match. you saw it it went down to the wire. that's what's in these games. >> there's more in a team. it's upset dressing room as you can imagine. >> we made a big trade. we are not just saying that. we are one kick away from being in the semifinals of the world cup. >> early injury hit ireland were in trouble against argentina.
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they were 17-0 up after 13 minutes. ireland were collecting injuries, tommy their latest victim. his replacement started a fight back. luke fitzgerald giving them home. and in the second half ireland looked to be back in sight of a first ever world cup semifinal. jordan murphy touching down as ireland got been three points of the south americans. it proved a catalyst for argentina to step up their game. fit enough to score in the corner. and here to wrap up a 43-20 win. argentina plays australia at twickenham next sunday. >> for the first time in the
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tournament's history, no northern hemisphere in the last four. let's look at the fixtures. south africa plays on saturday. argentina versus australia. argentina in the semis for the second time in their history. >> we were the first to qualify and play several games. now we want to play on saturday. it will be tough. it's nice. it's awesome. >> novak djokovic beat jo-wilfried tsonga to win his third shanghai masters final. beating his french opponent in straight sets, 6-2, 6-4. extending the streak to 17 matches, and this is the ninth title of the season in which he's won three grand slams. >> the play-off for the final four places at the championships
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threw sweden and denmark together. 2-legged ties in november, a place in the finals up for grabs. denmark won the tournament in 1992. a sweden captain says it would be unimaginable for the finals to take place, without him being there. >> it's going to be a tough game for us, of course. if you see the results, the last year versus denmark, we had lost so in my opinion there are a small favourite, but i said before the draw, it's 50/50. >> we believe in ourselves, and believe that we can beat them. it's a matter of the performance on the day, and we know that they have a strong team. and especially it's a special situation between denmark. it's not only a matter of play on the ground. it's mentally. >> threats look at the full draw. norway takes on hungary.
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ukraine is the highest ranked team, drawing slovenia and the republic of island beat germany, playing bosnia herth. the only -- herzegovina, the only previous meeting in 2012 when ireland were the winners. >> it will not be easy, bosnia had the group against belgium and wales and had a good win against sip ruz. we had a great win against germany. more sport later. but that is it from me. >> thank you. remember you can get more of what we are covering. your news and sport. and the comment, analysis and video. the attack the top story at a bus station in southern israel.
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all of that at the top of the next hour. see you then.
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two killed during an attack on a bus station in israel, where weeks of violence shows no signs of ending hello, i'm mary ann, you're watch, al jazeera live from london. coming up, lion's nuclear deal comes in effect. the west lifts sanctions. we'll look at the challenges ahead. germany's leader fast tracks e.u. membership if


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